Image of one woman with long brown hair placing her hands on the client reposing on the table and receiving a healing. There is a large green plant in the background. Both people are wearing masks due to COVID-19 infection prevention protocols

Year 2: Healing Journey - Relationships

The second year of training is all about relationships to other.  Students will be asked to delve deeply into their beliefs around relationships, explore their shadow side, and emerge with more authenticity and awareness of how they interact and co-create their world.  Healing skills build on the first year of training to include relationship cord healing & clearing, and healing in the Astral realm.  Prerequisites include successful completion of the Year 1 Training.  If you are interested in registering for Year 2 please contact Christina to schedule an interview at 802-595-2248, or

In this Class You Will Learn:

• To identify your beliefs in relationships

• Explore and transform your shadow self to gain more of yourself

• Learn to identify and heal relationship cords, and the difference between clearing, healing, and releasing cords

• Learn to identify blocks that hold trauma from the past, and how to help them release in a healing way

• Clear astral objects held in the energy field

• Clear astral beings attached to the energy field

• Help departed souls ascend to the light

• Deepen your High Sense Perception

• Deepen your connection to yourself

• Strengthen your healing skills

• Work with guidance

• ....and more!


Headshot of woman smiling while wearing a gray hat with a brim, purple scarm and jacket, with a backdrop of a moss covered white quartz boulder and the forest floor

Registration is open for Year 2 Students 2024

Classes Start in January of 2024

To register for Year 2 Healing Journey you must have successfully completed the Year 1 training.  Please contact Christina at or call at 802-595-2248 to register or for more information.


$3000 per year, and $2500 if registered by 10/31/2023

Payment plans are available

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Advancement Grants (previously non-degree grants) are available for eligible students.  For more information please contact VSAC.


Hands held over relaxed client at the close of an energy healing session

Healing Technique

Connecting Client to Divine Love & the Angelic Realm

Students giving and recieving healings outside during COVID-19 pandemic

Year 1 Class

Giving & Receiving healings during Year 1 2020 & the COVID-19 Pandemic

More Information

For any questions or more information please contact or at 802-595-2248.  Blessings on your journey.